Class Structure

Python Java
Class definitions have the general form

class <name>(<superclass name>):
    <class variables>
    <class methods>
    <instance methods>

The parenthesized superclass name is omitted for basic classes.  Items within the class definition can appear in any order.


class Student:
    NUM_GRADES = 5
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.grades = []
        for i in range(Student.NUM_GRADES):
    def getName(self): return
    def getGrade(self, i):
        return self.grades[i – 1]
    def setGrade(self, i, newGrade):
        self.grades[i – 1] = newGrade
    def __str__(self):
        “””Format: Name on the first line
        and all grades on the second line,
        separated by spaces.
        result = + ‘\n’
        result += ”.join(map(str, self.grades))
        return result


s = Student(‘Mary’)
for i in range(1, Student.NUM_GRADES + 1)
    s.setGrade(i, 100)
print s

Class definitions have the general form

<visbility modifier> class <name> extends <superclass name>
                                  implements <list of names>{
    <class variables>
    <class methods>
    <instance variables>
    <instance methods>
    <inner classes>

Classes that do not explicitly extend another class extend the Object class by default.  A class may implement zero or more interfaces.


public class Student{
    public static final int NUM_GRADES = 5;
    private String name;
    private int[] grades;
    public Student(String name){ = name;
        this.grades = new int[NUM_GRADES];
    public String getName(){
    public int getGrade(int i){
        return this.grades[i – 1];
    public void setGrade(int i, int newGrade){
        this.grades[i – 1] = newGrade;
    public String toString(){
        Format: Name on the first line
        and all grades on the second line,
        separated by spaces.
        String result = + ‘\n’;
        for (String grade : this.grades)
            result += grade + ‘ ‘;
        return result;

Student s = new Student(“Mary”);
for (int i = 1; i <= Student.NUM_GRADES; i++)
    s.setGrade(i, 100);

© Ken Lambert. All rights reserved.