String Concatenation

Python Java
The concatenation operator + joins together two strings to form a third, new string.  Operands of other types must be converted to strings before they can be concatenated.


“35” + ” pages long.”

str(35) + ” pages long.”

If x and y are any objects, the code

str(x) + str(y)

concatenates their string representations.

The concatenation operator + joins together two strings to form a third, new string.  If one of the operands is a string, the other operand can be of any type.


“35” + ” pages long.”

35 + ” pages long.”

Any non-numeric object can also be used in a string concatenation, because all Java objects recognize the toString() method.  This method returns the name of the object’s class by default, but can be overridden to return a more descriptive string.  Thus, if x and yare any objects, the code

x.toString() + y.toString()


x + y

concatenates their string representations.

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