Errata Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs through Data Structures

Errata in Fundamentals of Python

(ISBN-10: 1423902181)

Below are the errors that have been discovered in the first printing.  Please report any new errors to

Page xxiii Paragraph 5, line 1, “”use of the strings” should be “use of strings.”
Page 24 In code segment at bottom of page, second 3 should be in plain text, third 3 should be italicized.
Page 44 In third bulleted item, $2000 should be $3000.
Page 44 In Figure 2.4, 3 should be italicized.
Page 57 Next to last line of first paragraph, “section” should be “session.”
Page 61 All entries in Table 2.8 should be bold.
Page 64 Second paragraph, first sentence, 6.5 and 7.0 should be bold code font.
Page 85 Third paragraph, next to last sentence, % should be bold code font.
Page 92 Next to last paragraph, “if-else” should not be italicized.
Page 94 In first two code segments, “raw_input” should be “input” (4 instances).
Page 94 Second paragraph, first sentence, “if” should not be italicized.
Page 104 Last paragraph, first sentence, “while” should be bold code font.
Page 110 Last line, “y” should not be bold but should be italicized.
Page 128 First line after line beginning with “if” in first code segment, “cipherValue = ord(‘z’) – \
                  (distance – (ord(‘a’) – ordValue + 1))” should be
cipherValue = ord(‘z’) – (distance – \
                           (ordValue – ord(‘a’)) – 1)
Page 133 First paragraph, last line, “30” should be “34”.
Page 359 Last paragraph, line 3, “Chapter 8” should be “Section 8.3.9”.
Page 432 Second line from bottom, “1,000,000” should be “10,000,000”.
Page 456 Second paragraph, line 4, “1 out of n” should be “1 out of n!”.
Page 468 Project 4, line 5, “expo(number, exponent – 1)” should be “number * expo(number, exponent – 1)”.
Page 523 Item 1 near top of page, “from the target” should be “from just after the target”.
Page 524 Third line from bottom, “0.33” should be “0.3”.
Page 539 First code segment, third line, remove “;”
Page 649 Table 16.6, row 5, column 4, “True” should be “False”
Page 650 Table 16.6, next to last row, third column, “e , a b” should be “c , e b”
Page 650 Table 16.6, last row, third column, “e , a b” should be “c , e b”
Page 651 Table 16.6, second row, third column, “, e a b” should be “, c e b”
Page 651 Table 16.6, last row, third column, “, a b” should be “, c b”
Page 711 Figure 17.12,


Q – – – – – – –

– – – Q – – – –

– Q – – – – – –

– – – – – – Q –

– – Q – – – – –

– – – – – Q – –

– – – – – – – Q

– – – – Q – – –


should be


Q – – – – – – –

– – – – – – Q –

– – – – Q – – –

– – – – – – – Q

– Q – – – – – –

– – – Q – – – –

– – – – – Q – –

– – Q – – – – –


Page 713 Delete two instances of “k = 0” and “k += 1” .
Page 713 Two instances of “k <=” should be “0 <=”.
Page 720 Code segment, third line from bottom, “” should be “”.
Page 744 Figure 18.9, the first list should not include the box containing 6, and the box containing 4 should be shaded instead of the box containing 5.
Page 773 Throughout the code segment, “maxChild” should be “minChild” and “maxItem” should be “minItem”
Page 786 Table 19.3, row 4, column 1, “_setitem__” should be “__setitem__”.
Page 815 Question 3 b, “0.33” should be “0.3”.
Page 823 Next to last paragraph, first line, “graph” should be “connected graph”.
Page 825 Figure 20.8, row 1, column 2 should contain “0”, and row 2, column 2 should contain “1”.
Page 826 Figure 20.9, row 2, column 1 should contain “1”.

© Ken Lambert. All rights reserved.